Thursday, December 12, 2019

Traffic Congestion India

Question: Discuss about theTraffic Congestionfor India. Answer: Introduction: Traffic congestion is one of the most common phenomenons that have been experienced by most of us in the contemporary times. As per the definition provided in the English vocabulary traffic congestion shall indicate a condition where the transport network of any city is overburdened by the volume of the operating vehicles. More commonly it is referred to as a traffic jam, or a traffic snarl-up where the speed of the vehicles are really slow, if not stagnant and the trip times are longer. The phenomenon of traffic congestion is very common and is found in all countries across the world. However there are certain countries which have an exceptionally acute traffic volume problem. Amongst the various countries across the world who are known for their traffic congestion problems India is one of the most prominent one. The huge population explosion of the country is coupled with the ever increasing number of automobiles and vehicles of the nation. The transport network of the nation often get overwhelmed as a result of which frustrating traffic congestion is quite a regular aspect of the Indian life(Insightsonindia, 2015). Discussion: A General Vision: The Indian roads and transport systems are well known for their rut like traffic patterns. The vehicles and the automobiles of the country are expanding in number every single day. In comparison the roads and the network of highways do not seem to get improved with the same ardent fervour. What is worse is that the Indian roads are filled with various types of vehicles. On the same street one can find two wheelers, four wheelers and also other manually driven vehicles such as rickshaws. The busses and the trucks are yet again another menace. The traffic signal stands and lights are also not enough in their numbers. The situation gets even more worsened by the fact that not all the motorists and pedestrians on the roads and streets are aware of the proper traffic rules that can ensure the safety and the convenience of their own and also of others. Once again not all people who are aware of the traffic rules abide by them. In fact the rate of mortality due to road accidents in India is amongst the highest numbers in Asia. Traffic congestion is a reality or is an ordeal that has to be faced with very morning at the time of going to school or office. Long queues for busses and for trains are a very common thing. An even more common vision is to see traffic bottle necks in the country. Mostly such bottle necks and long waiting times when the traffic inches forward are common scenarios for the cities of the nation(Essayforum, 2009). Condition of the Rural Sector: The roads and the travelling systems in the rural sectors of the country are much less developed as compared to the urban centres. Again the kind of motor vehicles that are to be found are yet again of much simple quality. The roads are narrow yet the traffic happens to be much sparse. Hence traffic congestions are scenario is that are not common in the urban sector of the country. Condition of the Urban Sector: The urban sectors are the real places to feast your eyes in case you are looking for traffic bottle necks in India. It has been seen that Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore and other metropolitan cities are the places where the situation happens to be worse. Often people going out for work have to travel for nearly one and half to two hours one way to reach their office. This is a very major problem where daily life gets much hampered by traffic congestion problem. The city toll centres or the toll ways are the places where one can also see terrible long lines of traffic congestion(Phukan, 2014). Effects: Experts are of the opinion that India looses nearly Rs 60, 000 million on an annual basis due to its problem of traffic congestion. Economy, business and trade of the country get terribly hampered due to this problem. At the same time it also creates a huge life hazard for the people who go out to travel on the roads of the countries on a daily basis. The general pattern of life also gets much taxed due to this problem of the Indian cities(Emily, 2013). Recommendations Some of the recommendations to improve the situation can be as follows: Access to the roads happens to be free. This could be one of the reasons why people happens o be moving out for the simplest reasons with their motors. This is causing a heavy burden on the transport and the road system. Taxes could be imposed on citizen for using motors on the roads of the Indian cities. The government can take a bigger initiative of educating the general people regarding why they should maintain and follow all the traffic rules and do not over speed of rash drive. This is one of the major reasons causing traffic congestions and fatal accidents. The Indian authorities have to be very careful regarding whom they are issuing the driving license. This shall curb down the number of motorist on the roads. The infrastructure of the country has to be elevated and elaborated. The roads and the streets of the country must be developed. Conclusion: The problem of Traffic congestion is not to be seen in India alone. In fact in the current era this is a problem for most of the developed countries across the world. In fact there are countries like New Zealand and Australia who happens to be topping the charts. A little panning on the part of the government and a little concern on the part of the common people can easily solve the problem s India has both the means and the intellect to solve the crisis. References: Emily, B. (2013, October 22). How Traffic Congestion Affects Economic Growth. Retrieved October 17, 2016, from citylab: Essayforum. (2009, July 30). Causes and Solutions for increasing traffic congestion. Retrieved October 17, 2016, from essayforum: Insightsonindia. (2015, August 28). Indian cities are experiencing mega traffic congestion problem with each passing day. Retrieved October 17, 2016, from Insightsonindia: Phukan, R. S. (2014, December 12). Traffic Congestion in Delhi: Causes, Outcomes and Solutions. Retrieved October 17, 2016, from mapsofindia:

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